Acoustic levitator from Asier Marzo is an exceptionally mainstream thing here on instructables. I manufacture it, it was working however I saw couple of issues. For instance:
The 3D printed space between bowls is somewhat delicate.
The levitator can't remain without anyone else on account of its shape.
All the gadgets are delicate and somewhat appalling.
So I assembled this case. It couples of things like:
Fills in as a stand.
Conceals all the hardware.
Iluminates suspended articles.
Changes the voltage going into driver which is vital while suspending fluids.
Shows information and yield voltage.
In the event that you take a gander at the second picture you can see that numerous progressions have been made to the first model.
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Stage 1: Parts List
Picture of Parts List
Picture of Parts List
Picture of Parts List 2 More Images
You will require these segments:
1) acoustic levitator
2) LM2577 variable advance up converter
3) 10K ohm exact potentiometer
4) 2x flip switch
5) 2x white LEDs
6) 2x UV LEDs
7) Acrylic, MDF or other material what are you going to cut it from
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Stage 2: Tool List
Picture of Tool List
Picture of Tool List
These instruments may be helpful:
1) laser shaper (I utilized GCC SLS 80)
2) welding iron
3) craft glue firearm
4) acumlator bore
5) screwdriver set
6) bore set
7) link stripper
8) multimeter
9) marker
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Stage 3: Cutting Pieces
Picture of Cutting Pieces
Picture of Cutting Pieces
Picture of Cutting Pieces
For what reason did I pick laser cut case rather than 3D printed one? The appropriate response is basic. It's quicker to make, less expensive, and the last case will be extremely vigorous.
The activity now is to pick material you're going to cut it from. Wood or MDF is exquisite and shoddy, and acrylic is cutting edge and in the event that you include see throught acrylic you're going to see all the hardware inside. I picked acrylic.
I outlined this case in Corel. On the off chance that you don't have acces to a laser shaper (as me) there are numerous neighborhood benefits, that you can give this document to, and they will slice it to you for reasonable cost. Every single required document are incorporated into this progression.
Note: This case was drawn for 3mm thick material. Ensure that you have this thickness.
back part.pdfback part.pdfDownload
control panel.pdfcontrol panel.pdfDownload
left side.pdfleft side.pdfDownload
center part.pdfmiddle part.pdfDownload
part with hole.pdfpart with hole.pdfDownload
right side.pdfright side.pdfDownload
upper part.pdfupper part.pdfDownload
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Stage 4: Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
You have all pieces alreday cut, they all fit, so now you can construct the case. Envision that the case is a crystal and the C shape is base. Presently with a little 3D creative ability sense I'm certain that you can manufacture it.
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Stage 5: Adding Levitator Core
Picture of Adding Levitator Core
Picture of Adding Levitator Core
Picture of Adding Levitator Core 2 More Images
Presently on the off chance that you have constructed the fundamental case shape, you can include the levitator center. The case is outlined that way, that it fits the ebb and flow of levitator. Simply embed the levitator between two openings of case, and paste it set up.
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Stage 6: Adding Electronics
Picture of Adding Electronics
Picture of Adding Electronics
Picture of Adding Electronics 2 More Images
The levitator is stuck in, so now it's the ideal time to interface all vital gadgets. The best choice is to stick driver in the center part, so wires from best and base dishes don't need to be so long and you need to put group of other stuff in the base piece of the case. Wires from driver will then go to arduino nano, which will be in base piece of case. Important activity is to include a jumper amongst D10 and D11 of arduino nano.
The DC barrel connector will be additionally in the center part. At to begin with, vitality from it will go directly into driver, however later, it will go to li-particle battery charger module and the driver will be controlled from li-particle battery. That implies that levitator will work even far from outlet.
I additionally included a switch at the front control board. One stick of change is associated with + of DC barrel and the other to 12V contribution of driver. This will be essential when it will be controlled from li-particle battery.
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Stage 7: Adding Ilumination
Picture of Adding Ilumination
Picture of Adding Ilumination
Picture of Adding Ilumination
When all is said in done the particles that can suspend are little. Also, little things are hard excessively observe. So I imagine that LED ilumination is a smart thought. I simply bored two 3mm gaps in plastic at the best and base of levitator. At that point I stuck the two LEDs set up and associated them to 3.3V yield of arduino nano.
One cool thought is to paint particless that'll suspend with UV highlighter and paste UV LEDs rather than the great ones. I included both ordinary and UV ilumination. I likewise included switch, so I can switch amongst UV and typical. The best place to put the UV LEDs is in the hole between control board and whatever is left of the case.
On the off chance that you need simply typical ilumination, simply interface both white LEDs to GND and 3.3V yields of arduino nano. In the event that you need both typical and UV, take after included plan. More information about mounting UV LEDs is in stage 10.
I transferred a few pictures for correlation of UV and LED. Every one of these photos were shooted at supreme haziness (no encompassing light). As should be obvious, typical LEDs iluminate the entire gadget, while UV LEDs feature the molecule itself (and that is super cool around evening time).
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Stage 8: Electronics - Volume II
Picture of Electronics - Volume II
At to start with, you have to desolder the first 10K trimmer from LM2577 and supplant it with exact 10K potentiometer. Additionally including a potentiometer handle is a smart thought.
Associate + shaft of the DC barrel to IN+ of LM2577 and interface - from the DC barrel to IN-of LM2577. At that point associate OUT+ and OUT-from LM2577 to 12V and GND of L298N.
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Stage 9: Add Control Panel
Picture of Add Control Panel
At the point when there are such a significant number of hardware to control in this gadget, I imagine that including a control board is something worth being thankful for. These are the things that you can control from this board:
1) turn the gadget ON or OF
2) switch between white LED and UV LED ilumination
3) control and register voltage running with driver (this is critical when suspended question are not symetric and stable)
Along these lines, I simply penetrated three gaps for two switches and for potentiometer and stuck LM2577 set up. Opening for voltage show is laser cut. At that point I stuck UV LEDs. It's imperative to point UV LEDs unequivocally (It's a pillar progressively that a light).
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Stage 10: Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0
Picture of Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0
Picture of Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0
Picture of Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0 3 More Images
Conratulations! You're finished! No all the more building. Make the most of your gadget.
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Stage 11: Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
This isn't vital, yet I believe that it's great to say it. There are such huge numbers of kinds of things that you can suspend. Be that as it may, the essential are: styrofoam, water and liquor. You additionally require a few devices like tweezers and syringe. So I took some little boxes from mints, included a few marks, place it in a greater box so particles for suspending would be sorted out.
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Stage 12: Other Experiments
When I was playing with levitator, I found some fun trials (other than levitation).
Along these lines, the principal try is that individuals shouldn't hear levitator (in light of the fact that it's recurrence is 40khz). A few people hear high recurrence when near the levitator, however that is only the acoustic waves skipping off different items. Be that as it may, this gathering of individuals is little (1 of 10, generally youngsters). In any case, on the off chance that you put a few articles into the acoustic field, they reverberate and that causes emiting of much lower recurrence. Everybody hears this recurrence. Aluminum thwart has the most grounded reverberating impact from what I attempted.
The second investigation is fire quencher. The acoustic weight field is sufficiently solid to blow a flame. So you essentially light a flame, place it into levitator, turn the levitator on and watch. The flame ought to be extinguished in a brief timeframe.
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Stage 13: Final Thoughts
Picture of Final Thoughts
A debt of gratitude is in order for perusing this entire instructable the distance to this point.
I feel that acoustic levitator is a realy cool thing. It's fascinating and educative material science analyze. Huge because of Asier Marzo that he shared directions for acoustic levitator. It's fun and educative.
I added rich look to this cutting edge gadget. I trust that some of you perusing this will make some decent cases. Appreciate!
The 3D printed space between bowls is somewhat delicate.
The levitator can't remain without anyone else on account of its shape.
All the gadgets are delicate and somewhat appalling.
So I assembled this case. It couples of things like:
Fills in as a stand.
Conceals all the hardware.
Iluminates suspended articles.
Changes the voltage going into driver which is vital while suspending fluids.
Shows information and yield voltage.
In the event that you take a gander at the second picture you can see that numerous progressions have been made to the first model.
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Stage 1: Parts List
Picture of Parts List
Picture of Parts List
Picture of Parts List 2 More Images
You will require these segments:
1) acoustic levitator
2) LM2577 variable advance up converter
3) 10K ohm exact potentiometer
4) 2x flip switch
5) 2x white LEDs
6) 2x UV LEDs
7) Acrylic, MDF or other material what are you going to cut it from
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Stage 2: Tool List
Picture of Tool List
Picture of Tool List
These instruments may be helpful:
1) laser shaper (I utilized GCC SLS 80)
2) welding iron
3) craft glue firearm
4) acumlator bore
5) screwdriver set
6) bore set
7) link stripper
8) multimeter
9) marker
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Stage 3: Cutting Pieces
Picture of Cutting Pieces
Picture of Cutting Pieces
Picture of Cutting Pieces
For what reason did I pick laser cut case rather than 3D printed one? The appropriate response is basic. It's quicker to make, less expensive, and the last case will be extremely vigorous.
The activity now is to pick material you're going to cut it from. Wood or MDF is exquisite and shoddy, and acrylic is cutting edge and in the event that you include see throught acrylic you're going to see all the hardware inside. I picked acrylic.
I outlined this case in Corel. On the off chance that you don't have acces to a laser shaper (as me) there are numerous neighborhood benefits, that you can give this document to, and they will slice it to you for reasonable cost. Every single required document are incorporated into this progression.
Note: This case was drawn for 3mm thick material. Ensure that you have this thickness.
back part.pdfback part.pdfDownload
control panel.pdfcontrol panel.pdfDownload
left side.pdfleft side.pdfDownload
center part.pdfmiddle part.pdfDownload
part with hole.pdfpart with hole.pdfDownload
right side.pdfright side.pdfDownload
upper part.pdfupper part.pdfDownload
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Stage 4: Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
Picture of Getting Pieces Together
You have all pieces alreday cut, they all fit, so now you can construct the case. Envision that the case is a crystal and the C shape is base. Presently with a little 3D creative ability sense I'm certain that you can manufacture it.
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Stage 5: Adding Levitator Core
Picture of Adding Levitator Core
Picture of Adding Levitator Core
Picture of Adding Levitator Core 2 More Images
Presently on the off chance that you have constructed the fundamental case shape, you can include the levitator center. The case is outlined that way, that it fits the ebb and flow of levitator. Simply embed the levitator between two openings of case, and paste it set up.
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Stage 6: Adding Electronics
Picture of Adding Electronics
Picture of Adding Electronics
Picture of Adding Electronics 2 More Images
The levitator is stuck in, so now it's the ideal time to interface all vital gadgets. The best choice is to stick driver in the center part, so wires from best and base dishes don't need to be so long and you need to put group of other stuff in the base piece of the case. Wires from driver will then go to arduino nano, which will be in base piece of case. Important activity is to include a jumper amongst D10 and D11 of arduino nano.
The DC barrel connector will be additionally in the center part. At to begin with, vitality from it will go directly into driver, however later, it will go to li-particle battery charger module and the driver will be controlled from li-particle battery. That implies that levitator will work even far from outlet.
I additionally included a switch at the front control board. One stick of change is associated with + of DC barrel and the other to 12V contribution of driver. This will be essential when it will be controlled from li-particle battery.
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Stage 7: Adding Ilumination
Picture of Adding Ilumination
Picture of Adding Ilumination
Picture of Adding Ilumination
When all is said in done the particles that can suspend are little. Also, little things are hard excessively observe. So I imagine that LED ilumination is a smart thought. I simply bored two 3mm gaps in plastic at the best and base of levitator. At that point I stuck the two LEDs set up and associated them to 3.3V yield of arduino nano.
One cool thought is to paint particless that'll suspend with UV highlighter and paste UV LEDs rather than the great ones. I included both ordinary and UV ilumination. I likewise included switch, so I can switch amongst UV and typical. The best place to put the UV LEDs is in the hole between control board and whatever is left of the case.
On the off chance that you need simply typical ilumination, simply interface both white LEDs to GND and 3.3V yields of arduino nano. In the event that you need both typical and UV, take after included plan. More information about mounting UV LEDs is in stage 10.
I transferred a few pictures for correlation of UV and LED. Every one of these photos were shooted at supreme haziness (no encompassing light). As should be obvious, typical LEDs iluminate the entire gadget, while UV LEDs feature the molecule itself (and that is super cool around evening time).
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Stage 8: Electronics - Volume II
Picture of Electronics - Volume II
At to start with, you have to desolder the first 10K trimmer from LM2577 and supplant it with exact 10K potentiometer. Additionally including a potentiometer handle is a smart thought.
Associate + shaft of the DC barrel to IN+ of LM2577 and interface - from the DC barrel to IN-of LM2577. At that point associate OUT+ and OUT-from LM2577 to 12V and GND of L298N.
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Stage 9: Add Control Panel
Picture of Add Control Panel
At the point when there are such a significant number of hardware to control in this gadget, I imagine that including a control board is something worth being thankful for. These are the things that you can control from this board:
1) turn the gadget ON or OF
2) switch between white LED and UV LED ilumination
3) control and register voltage running with driver (this is critical when suspended question are not symetric and stable)
Along these lines, I simply penetrated three gaps for two switches and for potentiometer and stuck LM2577 set up. Opening for voltage show is laser cut. At that point I stuck UV LEDs. It's imperative to point UV LEDs unequivocally (It's a pillar progressively that a light).
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Stage 10: Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0
Picture of Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0
Picture of Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0
Picture of Acoustic Levitator Version 2.0 3 More Images
Conratulations! You're finished! No all the more building. Make the most of your gadget.
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Stage 11: Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
Picture of Organize Your Particles
This isn't vital, yet I believe that it's great to say it. There are such huge numbers of kinds of things that you can suspend. Be that as it may, the essential are: styrofoam, water and liquor. You additionally require a few devices like tweezers and syringe. So I took some little boxes from mints, included a few marks, place it in a greater box so particles for suspending would be sorted out.
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Stage 12: Other Experiments
When I was playing with levitator, I found some fun trials (other than levitation).
Along these lines, the principal try is that individuals shouldn't hear levitator (in light of the fact that it's recurrence is 40khz). A few people hear high recurrence when near the levitator, however that is only the acoustic waves skipping off different items. Be that as it may, this gathering of individuals is little (1 of 10, generally youngsters). In any case, on the off chance that you put a few articles into the acoustic field, they reverberate and that causes emiting of much lower recurrence. Everybody hears this recurrence. Aluminum thwart has the most grounded reverberating impact from what I attempted.
The second investigation is fire quencher. The acoustic weight field is sufficiently solid to blow a flame. So you essentially light a flame, place it into levitator, turn the levitator on and watch. The flame ought to be extinguished in a brief timeframe.
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Stage 13: Final Thoughts
Picture of Final Thoughts
A debt of gratitude is in order for perusing this entire instructable the distance to this point.
I feel that acoustic levitator is a realy cool thing. It's fascinating and educative material science analyze. Huge because of Asier Marzo that he shared directions for acoustic levitator. It's fun and educative.
I added rich look to this cutting edge gadget. I trust that some of you perusing this will make some decent cases. Appreciate!
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